viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

School News

The trip to the beach everyone was waiting for had to be cancelled today, because the teacher fell ill. We are all very sorry not to be able to go and we hope you get better Mrs. Harvey! We will go next week or the week after, the only problem is... the weather is getting bad and next week it will be worse...

Today was a rather cold day, with rain, wind and clouds. Not a very good day to go to the beach anyway. Enviroment Week has finished, and so have all the activities (though it's possible we will do more activities next week, but not certain). In maths the 'Paper Bag Game' ended and only two groups survived (in the terms of the game), it is possible that near Christmas, we will sell the bags we made during the game full with sweets to the children in the school, raising money to send to poor countries in Africa. Remember to reuse, reduce, recycle and use the recycle boxes in every class of the school (that are taken every day to be recycled).

In other news, Sports Day is coming up on Wednesday and we will be doing different sports, competing in our four teams: Bath, York, Glasgow and Lincoln. There will be different things to do and each person has to do one or two things. We will be competing against children of our same grade, and the different activitie are:

100 metres

200 metres

500 metres

1000 metres

1500 metres

Long Jump

High Jump

Short Puts

I think that is everything, but I might have left something out. Anyway, check on the window of the sports equipment room to know what you are doing, in what team you're in and any other necesary details. Good luck to all the teams and I'll let you know if there are any more things you need to know!

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