jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Enviroment Week continues

Today was one more day in enviroment week and, we did new activities today, like in Geography we had to do a poster about how to reduce our carbon footprint, and in maths we did the 'Paper Bag Game' where we had to make paper bags with newspaper. The group that won was Group 3 with Laura, Náyade, Sofía and Ana, they made 80 paper bags! In Lengua we are still doing our projects about Fair Trade, Rubbish and Paper. Remember: saving our planet is really important!!

Some interesting places where you can learn about saving the planet:

P.S. Tomorrow: Trip to the beach!! Remember that we will be able to go swimming, we will do activities like wave count, longshore drift, sketching the beach etc. Bring your P.E. kit. Have fun!

(You are allowed to bring a camera).

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