miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Enviorment Week!

This week at our school, it's all about enviroment! As you already know, this week has only three days, as we didn't have school on Monday or Tuesday, but these three days are enviormentally friendly with all sorts of activities about helping the enviorment. For example, in maths, we are going to do a 'Paper Bag Game' about using paper bags instead of plastic. In Lengua, we are going to do a project about Rubbish, Paper and Fair Trade. It is all knowledge about helping our planet survive!! Here are some tips about how you could help from your house:

1. Shower not bath!

2. Turn the temperature down in the shower!

3. Don't leave the tap on while brushing your teeth!

4. Use your bicycle of walk don't use the car so much!

5. Reuse, reduce, recycle!

6. Don't waste paper and water!

7. Bring your own bag to the supermarket so you don't have to use plastic bags!

8. Plant a tree!

9. Make sure your car is in a good condition, not contaminating!

10. Save the planet!

Our home is in danger, the poles are melting and the Ozone layer is breaking up and having holes, which mean the Sun will hit too hard on our planet and heat it up, lots of animals are going extict and rainforests like the Amazon are disappearing!

We need to stop that! We only have one planet and we need to save it! Reuse, reduce and recycle!

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