sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009


Christmas is almost here! This Tuesday 1st of December we can finally opn our Chocolate Calendars and soon, we can start decorating our houses with Christmas trees, mistletoes and more. It's only 27 days until Christmas!!!

Voting results

The voting results for this week's poll are:

Where are you from?


Thank you for voting and please vote on this week's poll:

What is your favourite Christmas thing?

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Voting Results

The results for this week's poll are in:

What is your favourite celebration?


And I am happy to say that this poll was the poll that most votes got. For the first time we had: 6 votes! Thanks to everyone for voting and don't forget to vote on this week's poll:

Which country are you from?

Please vote in order to know from where do we get our visits! If you are from a different country not mentioned in the poll leave a coment saying where you're from!

Thanks once more.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day, and quite a success. The winning team was Glasgow, in second place Bath, in third place Lincoln and last but not least York. Congratulations to all the children who participated on the races and to all those who won medals. Everyone had an excellent time today and we can't wait for the next Sports Day. Above are some fotos from today.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Sports Day tomorrow

Tomorrow November 11th 2009 its sports day at our school! We will be going to Martin Freire all day to do: running, short puts, long jump, high jump and more. It will be a very busy day. Have Fun!

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Voting Results

The voting results are in and we have for the first time a draw. These are the results:

What is your favourite Halloween activity?

Tick or Treat

Watching horror movies

Thanks for voting and please vote on this weeks question:

What is your favourite celebration?

Thanks again!

P.S. Don't forget to bring the school uniform on Monday NOT the P.E. kit!!

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009


Now I'm going to talk about lockers, because at my school, all secondary students have lockers to keep their books in and everyone has to use their lockers frequently. It is important to keep your locker tidy, because if you have it untidy, you will be double the time in your locker to take out your books. You can also decorate your locker with fotos, pictures, magnets and other things, so it is personalized and truly yours. You can not write on your locker with permanent markers, because the person who has your locker in the future will not like to have their locker written all over with something they can't rub off.

Lockers can be dangerous too, because you can get confused and get out a book you don't need, or forget to get something or even forget to go to your locker to get the books you need for the next classes. You should go to your locker in the morning before going to class (get the books for the first three subjects), at the begining of breaktime (leave the books for the first three subjects and get the books for the next three subjects), at the begining or end of lunchtime (leave the books of the previous three subjects and get the books for the last two subjects) and at the end of the day (leave the books for the last two subjects and get the books you need for homework or studying). This is an example of an organized way to use your locker, and the method almost everyone uses, but if you can think of another organized way to use your locker, you are free to use your way. You can't use your locker between classes (you'll be late) or in the middle of break or lunchtime (I don't know why...).

Opening your locker can be tricky too, because you have a special combination you need to remember to open it, the combination has two numbers and you should NEVER give your combination to another person, not even your best friend, because the person that you gave your combination to can open your locker or tell your combinaton to other friends that can open your locker. You can think: so what's wrong with my friend opening my locker? Well, you can't trust anyone and your friend may steal things from your locker or make it untidy. Maybe it is only for a joke, but you won't think its funny. Other people may steal from your locker because they like something you own that you have left in your locker, that is a warning: Don't leave iPods or mobile phones or money or other items that are precious to you in your locker. Maybe your friend would never steal your things, even not for a joke, but your friend might do it if you have a fight and they are really angry at you.

Each locker has a number and row. For example: 2165. That would mean your locker is in the second row (row one is at the top, row two at the center and row three at the bottom) and it is number 165. There are loads of lockers in our school, in the first and second floor, but not in the third floor, as it is smaller. The place your locker is in can be really good or bad, but it is a personal opinion, and anyway you can't choose your locker, the headmaster chooses what locker you have so you can't do much about it. Sometimes you have class in the third floor and you forget a book in your locker and if your locker is in the first floor, you have to run all the way down and up again so you don't have a detention (it has happened to me).

Some people share locker with their friends, because their friends have a locker that is really high and they can't reach it, or because they have it in a bad place. To share locker with someone you must trust that person a lot, because to share, both of you have to know the combination to be able to open it, so you are trusting your friend not to say the combination to anyone. That is the only bad thing of sharing a locker, except that you have less space for yourself and you have to agree on the decoration, you can't decorate it how you want because the other person might not like it.

You can keep something to write on in your locker to write down the tests and what homework you have that day, or you can simply write it on your Homework Diary, just don't forget the books in your locker!

Now you know all the things about lockers, that are very useful if you have a locker and they're not if you don't have one, but all knowledge is good!

School News

The trip to the beach everyone was waiting for had to be cancelled today, because the teacher fell ill. We are all very sorry not to be able to go and we hope you get better Mrs. Harvey! We will go next week or the week after, the only problem is... the weather is getting bad and next week it will be worse...

Today was a rather cold day, with rain, wind and clouds. Not a very good day to go to the beach anyway. Enviroment Week has finished, and so have all the activities (though it's possible we will do more activities next week, but not certain). In maths the 'Paper Bag Game' ended and only two groups survived (in the terms of the game), it is possible that near Christmas, we will sell the bags we made during the game full with sweets to the children in the school, raising money to send to poor countries in Africa. Remember to reuse, reduce, recycle and use the recycle boxes in every class of the school (that are taken every day to be recycled).

In other news, Sports Day is coming up on Wednesday and we will be doing different sports, competing in our four teams: Bath, York, Glasgow and Lincoln. There will be different things to do and each person has to do one or two things. We will be competing against children of our same grade, and the different activitie are:

100 metres

200 metres

500 metres

1000 metres

1500 metres

Long Jump

High Jump

Short Puts

I think that is everything, but I might have left something out. Anyway, check on the window of the sports equipment room to know what you are doing, in what team you're in and any other necesary details. Good luck to all the teams and I'll let you know if there are any more things you need to know!

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Enviroment Week continues

Today was one more day in enviroment week and, we did new activities today, like in Geography we had to do a poster about how to reduce our carbon footprint, and in maths we did the 'Paper Bag Game' where we had to make paper bags with newspaper. The group that won was Group 3 with Laura, Náyade, Sofía and Ana, they made 80 paper bags! In Lengua we are still doing our projects about Fair Trade, Rubbish and Paper. Remember: saving our planet is really important!!

Some interesting places where you can learn about saving the planet:

P.S. Tomorrow: Trip to the beach!! Remember that we will be able to go swimming, we will do activities like wave count, longshore drift, sketching the beach etc. Bring your P.E. kit. Have fun!

(You are allowed to bring a camera).